Regular Meeting of the Scioto Township Trustees; Thursday April 18th, 2024 @ 7:00 P.M. at the Scioto Township Service Center.
Trustees Present; Chair Jahn, Fannin, Wolfe.
Jahn led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Fannin moved to approve the minutes from the April 4th Regular meeting. Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Motion Carries.
Reports made available; Fund Status, Payment Listing, Receipt Listing.
Bills since the last meeting $187,902.80. Receipts since the last meeting $315,171.13.
I certify there are sufficient funds to pay the bills.
Fannin moved to pay the bills. Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote; All yes. Motion Carries.
OPEN SESSION- Bruce Roese from Roese Brothers Paving attended the meeting to give the Trustees quotes for summer road repairs. The roads that were discussed were Hudson, Thrailkill, Matville, Village of Orient, Carpenter, Turney Caldwell, Walker, McCord, Sharp and Willow. The Trustees also discussed the section of Gibson Rd. between the OPWC projects. Jahn asked about the township doing the ditch work on Gibson before the road is done. Resolution 24-069; Fannin moved to accept the bids from Roese Bros. for Hudson Rd. at $18,135.00, Matville Rd. North at $30,300.00, Orient at $35,860.00, and Carpenter at $11,940.00. Jahn seconded the motion. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries. The Trustees will discuss Willow, Thrailkill, and Walker at the next meeting. Wolfe asked Roese about the driveways in the cemetery.
DEPARTMENT UPDATES; Fire- Chief Cline reported that Full Time Firefighter John Cabus turned in his resignation effective April 27th. Part Time firefighter Kyle Sigman also turned in his resignation effective May 8th. Cline told the board that he would like to hire Josh Ory to fill the open Full-time spot pending his physical. Resolution 24-070; Jahn moved to hire Josh Ory as Full-Time firefighter pending his physical. Fannin seconded the motion. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries. Cline is interviewing 3 people foe open part time positions next week.
Cline reported that the crews have been doing water rescue training on the Scioto River since the water is high. The 3 shifts have been doing live fire training at the Ohio Fire Academy, 2 unit has finished theirs. Cheryl Ricca and Noah Stogner have completed their Swift Water training at the New River Gorge Swift Boat Operations class. Â Assistant Chief Bennett has requested demo radios from Kenwood to try out for a few months. They may be eligible for MARCS Grant pricing. Jahn would like to use the ARP fund to purchase the radios. Cline told the board that the transition to Medicount from Change Healthcare for the EMS billing is nearly complete for the May 1st transition. The lights for the new command vehicles still have not been delivered. The live burn training fire on St. Rt. 316 has been cancelled due to neighbor complaints and a recommendation from the Ohio EPA.
Zoning- Zoning Inspector Schulz reported that he has had 2 applications since the last meeting. The BZA will hold a hearing for a variance for a hearing on May 7th. The remedy has started on 13056 Walker Rd and 14801 Commercial Point Rd. the 30 day check up for these properties is May 7th. Schulz told the board that there are 16 zoning enforced signs at every road entrance to the township, that new signs have been placed on two roads and faded signs have been replaced. Jahn asked about signs on state routes.
Schulz told the Trustees that the first stakeholder meeting about the Graham Rd. Ravines subdivision has been held. That the points of contention were the length of the roads and the non-conforming lots. Fannin asked about the cars on the property at the intersection of Graham and Hudson Rd’s. Schulz will check it out.
Roads- Road Supervisor Murphy reported that he and Hudson have been picking up litter, putting up high water signs due to heavy rain, installing zoning signs, and fixing potholes. They have been getting the mowers ready to start mowing roads.
In the shop they have been cleaning the shop doing maintenance on equipment and removing the snow and ice equipment from the dump trucks.
Cemetery- Murphy and Hudson have been doing the headstone foundation pour, mowing the cemeteries, and topping off graves. There will be a funeral next week.
OLD BUSINESS- The Trustees discussed the Policies and Procedures Manual at length and decided to review it further before it is adopted.
Fannin spoke to Dave Pritchard the auctioneer who sold the park and he has sent the appraisal to the prosecutor’s office for the remainder of the property.
The remainder of the summer road repairs will be decided next meeting.
The Trustees will discuss the DAC bylaws at the next meeting. Wolfe will be the township representative at the Special Meeting of the DAC on May 14th, Wolfe will nominate Warren Spangler to be DAC chair.
NEW BUSINESS- Resolution 24-071; Approve PO and Payment to Pilarr Services for $1250.00. Motion by Jahn. Second by Wolfe. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.
Resolution 24-072; Supplemental Appropriation$500.00 from Un-Appropriated to Other-Dues and Fees in Opioid Settlement. Motion by Fannin. Second by Wolfe. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.
The Trustees will discuss the resolution for the Solid Waste District next meeting.
With no other business to come before the board Wolfe moved to adjourn. Fannin seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Meeting Adjourned.