Thursday July 11, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

Thursday July 11, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

Regular Meeting of the Scioto Township Trustees; Thursday July 11, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Scioto Township Service Center.

Trustees Present:  Chair Jahn, Wolfe

  1. Bennett led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Jahn moved to approve the minutes from the June 27 Regular Meeting.  Wolfe seconded the motion.    Vote:    Wolfe-yes, Jahn-yes.    Motion carries.

Jahn moved to approve the minutes from the June 29 Special Meeting.   Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote:   Wolfe-yes, Jahn-yes.    Motion carries.

Bills since the last meeting totaled $134,978.90.    Receipts since the last meeting $2,617.31.   Jahn moved to pay the bills.  Wolfe seconded the motion.    Vote:   Wolfe-yes, Jahn-yes.    Motion carries.

Reports made available:   Fund Status, Receipt Listing, Payment Listing.

OPEN SESSION:   no one presented


Fire –

RESOLUTION 24-108.   Jahn made a motion with a second by Wolfe to declare Rob Adams’ Lieutenant spot vacant and to post the opening.    Vote:   Wolfe-yes, Jahn-yes.    Motion carries.

Funding received from the Gary Sinise Foundation will be used to send Grant Suhayda to a 3-day extrication class, beginning August 16.   The department will only need to pay air-fare.

Other training – Cheryl Ricca and Josh Ory will be attending Crash Course Pro Board Extrication/Heavy Rescue class in September.

Motorola is providing the department with four demo radios for sixty days to try out their new model.

Work continues on groundwork in the rear of the station.   Plan is to have the pad poured before Winter.

All personnel and all equipment are currently in service.

At 7:08 PM Jahn moved to enter into Executive Session for purpose of discussing personnel.   Wolfe seconded the motion.    Vote:  Wolfe-yes, Jahn-yes.   Motion carries.

At 7:36 PM Jahn moved to return to Regular session.    Wolfe seconded the motion.   Vote:   Wolfe-yes, Jahn-yes.   Motion carries.

RESOLUTION 24-109.   Jahn made a motion with a second by Wolfe to end probation period for Dan Hayes and return him to position of Lieutenant.    Vote:   Wolfe-yes, Jahn-yes.   Motion carries.

RESOLUTION 24-110.   Jahn made a motion with a second by Wolfe to declare a Captain position vacant.   Vote:   Wolfe-yes, Jahn-yes.    Motion carries.

Zoning – Jahn reported on active and completed Zoning activity.  

Roads – The second round of mowing has been completed.  The Department has also filled potholes, picked up litter, removed 2 ash trees on Rush Road and 2 on Burgett Road and started applying herbicide on Township right of ways.  In the shop, the Department has mowed around the building, sprayed for weeds and done maintenance on mowers.

Wolfe pointed out that the Township needs to address the Southern Point trees and weeds that are growing up through the cracks in the Township roads in that development.   Wolfe will contract tree service/arborist on SR 316.   The weed options could include sealing, spraying, adding to Road list.    This will be discussed further at the next meeting. 

Cemetery –  Mowing is current at both cemeteries.   Herbicide has been sprayed along the fence and wall.   Wolfe stated he has a couple of deeds to deliver and upcoming urn burial.


Policies and Procedures Manual – no action

Remainer of Park Property – Prosecutor’s office has been working with the Post Office.

Security Cameras – no update 


2025 Budget – due to Budget meeting advertising/posting, prior Resolution (24-108) accepting the 2025 Budget is not valid.   Required advertising/posting has now been satisfied.  RESOLUTION 24-111.    Jahn made a motion with a second by Wolfe approving the 2025 Budget as presented by the Fiscal Officer on June 29, 2024.   Vote:   Wolfe-yes, Jahn-yes.    Motion carries.

Wolfe and Brill will meet with the Village of Commercial Point officials on July 18 to discuss tax issues with property annexed into the Village.   Wolfe noted that there also needs to be a discussion with the Village about Emergency Services at some point.

With no other business to come before the Board, Jahn moved to adjourn.  Wolfe seconded the motion.   Vote was unanimous.    Meeting adjourned.


Submitted by Vickie Fleming.

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