Thursday May 30th, 2024 @ 7:00 P.M. at the Scioto Township Service Center.

Thursday May 30th, 2024 @ 7:00 P.M. at the Scioto Township Service Center.

Regular Meeting of the Scioto Township Trustees; Thursday May 30th, 2024 @ 7:00 P.M. at the Scioto Township Service Center.

Trustees Present; Chair Jahn, Fannin, Wolfe.

Wolfe led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Wolfe moved to approve the minutes from the May 16th Regular Meeting. Jahn seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Motion Carries.

Fannin moved to approve the minutes from the May 16th Special Meeting. Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Motion Carries.

Reports made available; Fund Status, Payment Listing, Receipt Listing.

Bills since the last meeting $140,654.28. Receipts since the last meeting $21,779.01.

Wolfe moved to pay the bills. Jahn seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Motion Carries.


Resolution 24-093; Jahn moved to go into Executive Session for the purpose of employee interviews of open zoning commission seats, and invite Jacob Gordon, Nicole Sherril and Terry Brill. Fannin seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.

Jahn moved to go back into Regular Session. Fannin seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Motion Carries.

Resolution 24-094; Jahn moved to appoint Jacob Gordon to the open seat on the Scioto Township Zoning Commission. And, Nicole Sherril to the Alternate Position on the Scioto Township Zoning Commission. Fannin seconded the motion. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.

DEPARTMENT UPDATES; Fire-Assistant Chief Bennett reported that the Medicaid Revalidation had been successfully completed and is good for 5 years. The retirement party for Firefighter Rob Adams is scheduled for July 1st from 12-2 P.M. Bennett reported that the station radios have been repaired are back in service, there were no service interruptions. Bennett had quotes for the new barn at the fire station for the Trustees to review. Fannin questioned the 12’ doors being too small.

Bennett asked the Trustees for a resolution to hire 2 new part-time firefighters. Resolution 24-095; Fannin moved to hire Austin Messmore and Haydon Hodges as part-time firefighters. Jahn seconded the motion. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.

Resolution 24-096; Jahn moved to go into Executive Session for Personnel Matters and invite Assistant Chief Bennett. Fannin seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries. Jahn moved to go back into Regular Session. Fannin seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Motion Carries.

The Trustees saw the new fire dept logo drafted and paid for by the union and there were no objections.

Zoning- Zoning Inspector Schulz told the Trustees that he has spoken to the prosecutors office about the Knox property. The county review of the Graham Rd. Ravines Subdivision will continue on June 11th. The BZA will re-convene the variance hearings on June 4th. Schulz told the Trustees that he has had 5 permits since the last meeting. 

Roads- Road Supervisor Murphy reported that he and Hudson have been filling potholes and the first round of mowing township ditches has been finished. In the shop they have been maintaining equipment and mowing township properties. Jahn asked the board about purchasing bulk oil for the shop, there were no objections.

The Trustees discussed the need for trimming the street trees at Southern Point. The leaves are plugging the storm drains and scratching the township equipment.

Cemetery- There was a Cedar Tree struck by lightening in Beckett Cemetery that needs removed. The Trustees would like to Thank the Boy Scout Troop that placed the veterans’ flags for Memorial Day in the cemeteries.

OLD BUSINESS-The Trustees discussed the Policies and Procedures Manual during the Special Meeting and Clemmons Nelson will make the updates.

Resolution 24-097; Jahn moved to approve the Record Retention Policy as presented by the Fiscal Officer. Fannin seconded the motion. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.

The 2025 Budget workshop will be June 29th @ 8:00 A.M. at the Service Center.

NEW BUSINESS- Resolution 24-098; Re-Allocation $2500.00 from Machinery Equipment and Furniture to Unemployment in Road and Bridge. Motion by Jahn. Second by Fannin. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.

With no other business to come before the board Wolfe moved to adjourn. Fannin seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Meeting Adjourned. 

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