Thursday August 22nd,2024 @ 7:00 P.M. at the Scioto Township Service Center.

Thursday August 22nd,2024 @ 7:00 P.M. at the Scioto Township Service Center.

Regular Meeting of the Scioto Township Trustees; Thursday August 22nd,2024 @ 7:00 P.M. at the Scioto Township Service Center.

Trustees Present; Chair Jahn, Fannin, Wolfe.

Fannin led the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Jahn moved to approve the minutes from the August 8th Regular Meeting. Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Motion Carries.

Reports made available; Fund Status, Payment Listing, Receipt Listing.

Bills since the last meeting $131,113.02. Receipts since the last meeting $55,009.79.

Jahn moved to pay the bills. Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Motion Carries.


DEPARTMENT UPDATES; Fire- Assistant Chief Bennettreported that he and Cline have started the promotional process. The candidates did the test on the 21st, the assessment center on the 22nd and will do the interview on the 23rd. Bennett reported that the interviews for the 2 open full-time positions are Monday the 26th. Bennett attended a commissioners meeting about the CAD system, the county will have 1 program across the entire county. Bennett told the board that he hasn’t anything about the new radios yet, there will be 8 to replace. The lights and sirens for the new command vehicles are scheduled to be installed in September.

Tim Colburn from P3 attended the meeting to speak about county development. Jahn said that the township needs a seat at the table when there is a tax abatement given in the township. Wolfe said that he has had several meetings with the Mayor of Commercial Point. The Trustees also asked Colburn about a Comprehensive Land Use Plan.

Zoning- Zoning Inspector Schulz told the board that he has been working with the prosecutor’s office on the former village zoning code. Schulz also gave the Trustees about the planning commission meeting on the 20th concerning the Graham Rd. Ravines subdivision. The planning commission still has not approved the road designs. Schulz has also been working with the county engineer on the vacated alleys in the former village. Jahn has also talked to Mullins, he will check the old commissioners minutes to find out exactly which alleys were vacated. Schulz told the board that he has had 3 applications since the last meeting.

The Trustees asked for a joint meeting with them the zoning commission and the bza. It will be held September 18th @ 6:00 P.M. Schulz will contact Pete Griggs.

Roads- Road Supervisor Murphy reported that he and Hudson have finished the 3rd round of mowing township ditches. They have also picked up dumped trash, repaired stop signs, repaired potholes, and inspected a sink hole on Messmore Rd. that appears to be caused by a Groundhog burrowing under the road. In the shop they have been repairing equipment.

Murphy received a quote from Kleem for lighted stop signs.Wolfe said that he would like to order 5 of the signs. The Trustees discussed the vandalism of stop signs in the township so far this year. The Trustees will get more prices of the lighted signs.  

Fannin said that he has contacted the engineer about the sight obstruction at the intersection of Lane and Welch Rd’s. The Trustees would like to have the trees either removed or trimmed back so the intersection is visible.

Cemetery- Wolfe reported a funeral, also a veteran’s marker was installed in section 6. Murphy and Hudson have been putting the forms together for the fall foundation pour.

OLD BUSINESS- The Trustees haven’t heard anything from the prosecutor’s office about the remainder of the park property. Jahn will contact them.

Wolfe will attend the DAC meeting on Sept. 10th to vote on the DAC chair, the board has decided to support Warren Spangler, and vote on the DAC procedures.

OLD BUSINESS CON’T- The Trustees will discuss the policiesand procedures manual at a September Meeting.  

NEW BUSINESS- Resolution 24-126; Re-Allocation $2500.00 from Salaries to Repairs and Maintenance Medic 401 in Fire. Motion by Jahn. Second by Fannin. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.

Resolution 24-127; Approve PO and Payment to All-American Fire Eq. for $5862.75. Motion by Jahn. Second by Fannin. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.

The Trustees discussed the storm drains in the former village as well as the Southern Point community. They will ask for prices to sewer jet clean them, they also discussed a leaf removal program.

With no other business to come before the board Wolfe moved to adjourn. Jahn seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Meeting Adjourned.

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