Regular Meeting of the Scioto Township Trustees; Thursday December 12th, 2024 @ 7:00 P.M. at the Scioto Township Service Center.
Trustees Present; Chair Jahn, Fannin, Wolfe.
Wolfe led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Fannin moved to approve the minutes from the November 29th Regular Meeting. Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Motion Carries.
Reports made available; Fund Status, Payment Listing, Receipt Listing.
Bills since the last meeting $974,206.86. Receipts since the last meeting $535,908.63.
I certify there are sufficient funds to pay the bills.
Fannin moved to pay the bills. Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Motion Carries.
OPEN SESSION- Dave Cline gave the Trustees costs for putting in a columbarium. Fannin asked about lead time between the order and the installation. Cline told the board that the township will need to decide on the lettering and letter sizes of the name plates for the individual bins. The Trustees told Cline that they are interested but want to wait until after the first of the year.
Dave Pennington from Penningtons Tree Service was also in attendance. He had a price for removing the 10 worst trees from the Presbyterian Cemetery of $7500.00. Pennington also had a price for removing 2 dead trees from Rush Rd. of $4000.00.
Resolution 24-182; Wolfe moved to have Pennington remove the 10 worst trees from the Presbyterian Cemetery for $7500.00. Jahn seconded the motion. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries. Resolution 24-183; Jahn moved to have Pennington remove the 2 dead trees on Rush Rd. for $4000.00. Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries. Â
DEPARTMENT UPDATES; Fire- Chief Cline told the Trustees that he needs 2 legislative members from the township to serve on the Volunteer Firefighters Dependency Fund, Jahn and Wolfe told Cline that they would volunteer. Cline3 told the board that he had the bid notice for the new barn, the documents were available for the Trustees to review. Cline told the board that the dept. had 3 working fires since the last meeting. Cline is currently working with a billing company for motor vehicle accident/extraction, the billing will be similar to the EMS billing, the talks are still in the very early stages.
Cline recommended to the Trustees that Grant Suhayda be removed from his probationary status, he has passed his paramedic test and is a medic as required by his hiring resolution. Resolution 24-184; Fannin moved that Grant Suhayda be taken off his probationary status. Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.
Zoning- Zoning Inspector Schulz reported that he has been working on a adjoining parcel combination on Matville Rd. He is waiting on the deed wording. The application for conditional use on Coontz Rd. is still waiting on the final review from Pickaway Co. for their occupancy permit. The Graham Rd. Ravine subdivision is still waiting on a sketch to be created by the developers that will follow county and township development standards. The Pickaway Co. Engineers office is still working on the abandoned alley’s.
Schulz told the board that he received an application for a non-residential ag drive on Burgett Rd. He provided a draft of an agenda for the next joint meeting. Schulz said that he received an email from Spectrum asking why it was taking so long to get their permit to work along township roads, after discussion it was determined that the request was being sent to a private email account of a previous trustee.
Roads- Road Supervisor Murphy reported that he and Hudson have been picking up litter and filling potholes. They had a complaint on Willow Rd about a tree blocking the stop sign, they determined that it was the responsibility of Pickaway Co. and the homeowner due to the R-O-W and the location. In the shop they have been doing equipment maintenance and repairs.
Jahn received a quote from Strawser for opening up Mahogony and Strawser streets in Southern Point. He will contact Mayor Goldhardt about his offer of the village paying half the cost.
The Trustees discussed waiting on the top coat of the new parking lot until the rest of it is done next year.
Fannin said that he received a call from Monty Williamson on Coontz Rd. wanting to install a second driveway. Williamson had previously sued the township in 2010 over a culvert dispute, the judgement was for the township and the State Supreme Court had refused to hear the case. Fannin will contact PERSO to find out more details.
Cemetery-Murphy and Hudson have been doing cemetery maintenance.
OLD BUSINESS-Wolfe will contact the prosecutors office about closing down the post office parking lot that sits on the remainder of the park property.
Brill gave the Trustees an organizational chart for the first meeting of 2025. The zoning secretary will contact the zoning board members who’s terms have expired to see if they want to serve another term. Â
NEW BUSINESS- Resolution 24-185; Re-Allocation $500.00 from Medical/Hospitalization to OPERS in Gas Tax. Motion by Jahn. Seconded by Fannin. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.
Resolution 24-186; Re-Allocation $3000.00 from Small Tools to Other Dues and Fees in Fire. Motion by Jahn. Seconded by Fannin. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.
Resolution 24-187; Re-Allocation $400.00 from Trustee Staff to UAN Fees in General. Motion by Jahn. Seconded by Fannin. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.
Resolution 24-188; Re-Allocation $118.57 from Small Tools to Interest Payments in Fire. Motion by Jahn. Seconded by Fannin. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.
Resolution 24-189; Re-Allocation $2500.00 from Salaries to Social Security in Fire. Motion by Jahn. Seconded by Fannin. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.
Resolution 24-190; Re-Allocation 5415.62 from Motor Vehicles to Machinery Equipment and Furniture in ARP. Motion by Jahn. Seconded by Fannin. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.
Resolution 24-191; Re-Allocation $9151.06 from Motor Vehicles to Uniform Tool and Equipment Re-Imbursements in ARP. Motion by Jahn. Seconded by Fannin. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.
Resolution 24-192; Re-Allocation $2500.00 from Trustee Staff to Property Services in General. Motion by Jahn. Seconded by Fannin. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries. Â
Resolution 24-193; Jahn moved to stay with Medical Mutual Health Insurance (same policy) for 2025. Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.
With no other business to come before the board Wolfe moved to adjourn. Fannin seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Meeting Adjourned.