Thursday December 28th, 2023 @ 7:00 P.M.

Thursday December 28th, 2023 @ 7:00 P.M.

Regular Meeting of the Scioto Township Trustees; Thursday December 28th, 2023 @ 7:00 P.M. at the Scioto Township service Center.

Trustees Present; Chair Wolfe, Fannin.

Cory Wasmus led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Fannin moved to approve the minutes from the December 15th Regular Meeting. Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Motion Carries.

Reports made available; Fund Status, Payment Listing, Receipt Listing.

Bills since the last meeting $129,515.88. Receipts since the last meeting $67,315.95.

Fannin moved to pay the bills. Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Motion Carries.

I certify there are sufficient funds to pay the bills.

OPEN SESSION- Scott O’Neil spoke to the Trustees about the ditch in front of his property on McCord Rd. O’Neil would like to see the ditch re-shaped so he can mow it. Fannin asked per the fee schedule who is responsible for what. Jahn said per the fee schedule the property owner supplies the soil and the pipe and the township is responsible for the work. Fannin said the he will talk to Murphy and discuss this at the first of the year.

DEPARTMENT UPDATES; Fire-Chief Cline told the trustees that he will have the final run numbers for 2023 at the next meeting. Cline said the all of the prison contract checks are up to date. The reserve engine and medic have been moved to the new station. Cline told the Trustees that he has purchased new equipment using grant money from the Ohio Department of EMS, the grant is in the amount of $4800.00. The township will be re-imbursed once the Ohio Dept. of EMS receives the paid invoice. Cline told the board that the brakes on Engine 401 need repaired.

Zoning-Zoning Inspector Jahn reported 2 applications since the last meeting. Jahn said that the zoning commission met to discuss the Graham Rd. Ravines re-zoning on Dec. 19th, they did not make a decision, they will meet Jan. 16th, 2024 to make their decision. Jahn said that he has received a complaint about a property on Rush Rd. running a business in an accessory building. Assistant Zoning Inspector Schulz has sent a letter to the property owners on Thrailkill Rd. with dirt piled in a township ditch. Wolfe said that he will be meeting with GPD after the first of the year to correct the surveys and easements on Gibson Rd.

Roads-Road Supervisor Murphy reported that he and Hudson have been filling potholes, berming, and picking up litter. They ran the roads checking for ice on 12/18, finished up cleaning up a dead Ash tree on Burgett Rd. and the new grate for the catch basin on Morgan Rd. has been installed.

Cemetery-Murphy and Hudson have been cleaning up trash scattered from the wind.

OLD BUSINESS-Francis re-zoning hearing; Fannin questioned how the BZA could continue to make ag properties non-conforming when the zoning book clearly states that ag properties need 300 foot road frontage. Wolfe called attorney Pete Griggs. Griggs told the board that the zoning book needs to be re-worded to try to stop the creation of non-conformities. Griggs also told the Trustees that there is nothing that can be done about the Francis re-zone. Resolution 23-153; Fannin moved to re-zone 1.0167 Acres owned by Jeremy and Cindy Francis located at 11271 Thrailkill Rd. from Agricultural to R-1. Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote; Wolfe-yes, Fannin-yes. Motion Carries. Fannin said that he would like to have a joint quarterly meeting with the zoning commission and BZA.

NEW BUSINESS- Resolution 23-154; Re-Allocation $1300.87 from Salaries to BWC in Gas Tax. Motion by Wolfe. Second by Fannin. Vote; Wolfe-yes, Fannin-yes. Motion Carries.

Resolution 23-155; Re-allocation $ 10,783.93from Salaries to BWC in Fire. Motion by Wolfe. Second by Fannin. Vote; Wolfe-yes, Fannin-yes. Motion Carries.

Resolution 23-156; Re-Allocation $60.00 from Un-employment Compensation to Operating Supplies Medical Related in Fire. Motion by Wolfe. Second by Fannin. Vote; Wolfe-yes, Fannin-yes. Motion carries.

Resolution 23-157; Re-Allocation $2250.00 from Natural Gas to Training services in Fire. Motion by Wolfe. Second by Fannin. Vote; Wolfe-yes, Fannin-yes. Motion Carries.

Resolution 23-158; Approve PO and Payment to Bowling Green State University for $4000.00. Motion by Wolfe. Second by Fannin. Vote; Wolfe-yes, Fannin-yes. Motion carries.

The Trustees discussed the quote from Mills Lock Service for the new security for the walk in doors for the Service Center. Wolfe told the board that he had Grove City IT at the office when Mills was there to make sure that everything would work together. Resolution 23-159; Wolfe moved accept the quote from Mills Lock Service for the security locks on the walk in doors for $2596.57. Fannin seconded the motion. Vote; Wolfe-yes, Fannin-yes. Motion Carries.

Wolfe discussed the recent motion to hire Synthon Solutions as the township HR company. Wolfe said that he found out Synthon Solutions has not been is business long. Wolfe called the Ohio Township Association and they recommend that a HR firm be in business for at least 3 years before they are hired by a township. Wolfe said that he spoke to Clemmons Nelson and they will do the townships HR work and they offer Sensitivity Training as part of their services. Resolution 23-160; Wolfe moved to terminate the HR company Synthon Solutions effective immediately. Fannin seconded the motion. Vote; Wolfe-yes, Fannin-yes. Motion Carries.

The Organizational Meeting will be Jan. 4th, 2024 @ 7:00 P.M.

With no other business to come before the board Wolfe moved to adjourn. Fannin seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Meeting Adjourned.

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