Regular Meeting of the Scioto Township Trustees; Thursday February 8th, 2024 @ 7:00 P.M. at the Scioto Township Service Center.
Trustees Present; Chair Jahn, Fannin, Wolfe.
Assistant Chief Bennett led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Fannin moved to approve the minutes from the January 18th Regular meeting. Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Motion Carries.
Fannin moved to approve the minutes from the January 18th Special meeting. Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Motion Carries.
Fannin moved to approve the minutes from the January 25th Special meeting. Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Motion Carries.
Reports made available; Fund Status, Payment Listing, Receipt Listing.
Bills since the last meeting $302,010.02. Receipts since the last meeting $334,803.94.
Fannin moved to pay the bills. Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Motion carries.
The Trustees received a request for a continuance from the property owners applying for the Graham Rd. Ravines re-zoning. The Trustees decided to grant the continuance until the February 22nd,2024 Regular meeting.
Resolution 24-035; Jahn moved to re-zone 2 lots from Ag to R-1 (1.3962 Acres and 1.5004 Acres) owned by Sheila Dunham 13999 Gibson Rd. Ashville, Ohio. Fannin Seconded the motion. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.
OPEN SESSION- Sarah Turner addressed the board concerning her candidacy for the Pickaway Co. Recorders Office.
DEPARTMENT UPDATES; Fire- Chief Cline told the Trustees that the Fraternal Order of Eagles in Circleville donated a electric plug that disables an electric car so the dept. can work on a crashed electric vehicle. Cline informed the board that Engine 401 was back in service and the old dryer in the station had been replaced. Assistant Chief Bennett has applied for and received the Dominion Scholarship Grant, a renewable $3000.00 scholarship that will pay for most of his OFE classes.
Cline told the Trustees that the interviews for the open fulltime position were concluded. Cline would like to hire Cheryl Ricca to fill this open position pending her physical. Resolution 24-036; Jahn moved to hire Cheryl Ricca to the open fulltime position pending her physical. Fannin seconded the motion. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion carries.
The Trustees discussed the purchase of 12 Multi-Threat Vests at a previous meeting, Cline told the Trustees that a quote would be ready for this meeting, Cline’s quote from Redd Public Safety is for $9017.00. Resolution 24-037; Jahn moved to purchase 12 Multi-Threat Vests from Redd for $9017. Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.
Cline informed the board that Change Healthcare that handles the townships EMS Billing will no longer provide the service, Cline is currently looking for another provider. Cline also told the Trustees about several accidents since the last meeting, including 1 fatal.
Zoning-Zoning Inspector Schulz told the Trustees that he has had 2 new applications since the last meeting. Schulz also said that he has 4 potential new lot splits. Jahn said that he received a call about a sign permit, Schulz will return the call.
Roads- Road Supervisor Murphy reported that he and Hudson have been Trimming and hauling away trees, filling potholes, and berming roads. There has also been a snow and ice event since the last meeting where they used 75 tons of salt on township roads.
In the shop they have been doing general maintenance on the equipment, they burned the brush pile at the service center, and Murphy completed 5 hours of testing for his pesticide applicators license.
Roads cont.- Jahn had quotes from 3 dealers for a new township backhoe. The trustees discussed the different prices and features of the Case, John Deere and CAT backhoes. Before the purchase is made the road employees will look at the different options for their input.
The Trustees also discussed the use of salt brine pre-wetting the road salt for ice melting.
Cemetery- Murphy and Hudson have been leveling graves and removing a downed cedar tree from the Presbyterian Cemetery. Fannin spoke about removing more of the cedar trees for fear of them damaging the old headstones when they fall. Wolfe reported the Cemetery Clean-up is March 1st, and he is wanting to pour the spring foundations the first week in April, weather permitting.
NEW BUSINESS- Resolution 24-038; Approve PO and Payment to All American Fire Eq. for $6062.07. Motion by Wolfe. Second by Fannin. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.
Resolution 24-039; Approve PO and Payment to All American Fire Eq. for $4515.00. Motion by Wolfe. Second by Fannin. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.
The Trustees discussed increasing the township liability insurance from the 6-million-dollar level to the 9million dollar level offered by OTARMA. Resolution 24-040; Jahn moved to increase the townships liability insurance to 9 million dollars. Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-no, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.
The Trustees discussed the remainder of the park property. Wolfe said that he has contacted the owners of the Orient post office There is currently part of the post office parking lot and their propane tank sitting on the township property. This parking lot was built before the township took the property over from the dissolved village. Wolfe will call the owners of the post office and if they don’t want the property then contact will be made to the person who bought the rest of the property to see if they are interested in the 0.125 acres.
Cory Wasmus made a presentation to the Trustees about the new township website. The Trustees all liked the set up of the new website. Resolution 24-041; Jahn moved that Wasmus continue to develop the new website at $250.00 a month. Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.
With no other business to come before the board Wolfe moved to adjourn. Fannin seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Meeting Adjourned.