Thursday July 25th, 2024 @ 7:00 P.M. at the Scioto Township Service Center.

Thursday July 25th, 2024 @ 7:00 P.M. at the Scioto Township Service Center.

Regular Meeting of the Scioto Township Trustees; Thursday July 25th, 2024 @ 7:00 P.M. at the Scioto Township Service Center.

Trustees Present; Chair Jahn, Fannin, Wolfe.

Jahn led the Pledge of Allegiance. Jahn moved to approve the minutes from the July 11th Regular Meeting. Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Motion Carries.

Reports made available; Fund Status, Payment Listing, Receipt Listing.

Bills since the last meeting $142,560.45. Receipts since the last meeting $383,197.17.

Jahn moved to pay the bills. Fannin seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Motion Carries.

OPEN SESSION- Michael Pennington from Pennington Tree Service gave the trustees a quote to trim the street trees at the Southern Point subdivision. The quote was to trim 289 trees @ $50 a tree. The trustees also discussed removing the Bradford Pears. Resolution 24-112; Fannin moved to have Pennington Tree Service trim 289 trees at Southern Point for a price not to exceed $14,450.00. Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries. The Trustees also discussed the dead tree at the intersection of Burgett and Matville Rd’s. Pennington will look at the tree and come back to the August 8th Regular Meeting to discuss it further.

The Trustees discussed the inside millage issue with the village of Commercial Point with Attorney Pete Griggs, who was in attendance. Griggs read an attorney generals opinion about the mis-directing of inside millage.

DEPARTMENT UPDATES; Fire- Chief Cline reported that he has sent letters to Justin Borghese and Perry Heiby to remove them from the part-time roster due to their lack of hours. Resolution 24-113; Jahn moved to remove Justin Borghese and Perry Heiby from the part-time roster. Wolfe seconded the motion. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.

Cline told the board that he will be interviewing 6 candidates next week to fill the open part-time positions. Cline also informed the Trustees that the site work for the new building at 440 Walker Rd has begun. Assistant Chief Bennett has been recognized at the Ohio Fire Chiefs Conference for a scholarship earned to attend OFE.

Cline told the board that maintenance work has been done to engine and medic 401.

He also told the board that the dept. will be accepting applications for the open full-time spot until July 26th. Jahn said that he spoke to the prosecutors office about bidding out the new barn at 440 Walker Rd. They advised him that the building needs to be put out for bid, but suggested that it be to the lowest and best bidder.

Zoning-Zoning Inspector Schulz reported that the planning commission hearing for the Graham Rd. Ravines subdivision will be held on August 13th. Schulz is working with the county engineer on the abandoned alleys in the former village to determine which ones are still considered in use and which ones can be acquired by adjoining property owners. Schulz is currently working on 2 lot splits within the same district, and he reported 1 permit since the last meeting.

Roads- Road Supervisor Murphy reported that he and Hudson have been spraying around signs, guardrails and fences. They cleaned up 4 downed trees on Burgett and Rush Rd’s. They have been spot berming, and had to place barricades on Willow rd. Fannin said that he received a complaint about Willow Rd., he looked at it and told the board that he thought it looked fine.

In the shop Murphy and Hudson have been working on repairing the rim on one of the mower tractors, sharpening blades on the mowers, they met with a representative from USDA for a spray/shop inspection, and put a new sprayer motor on one of the tanks.

Jahn received a quote from BPS to crack seal all of the township roads in Southern Point. He also received a price to crack seal Walker Rd. from the village line to in front of the new station and McCord Rd. Jahn will speak to the village about these. Resolution 24-115; Wolfe moved to have BPS crack seal the township rd’s. in Southern Point for $????? With ½ of this money coming from the General Fund and ½ coming from Permissive MVL fund. Jahn seconded the motion. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries. Jahn will contact BPS for the crack sealing schedule so the residents of S.P. can move their cars.    

Cemetery- Wolfe reported that he picked up flags for the cemetery. He also told the board that the headstone foundation in Section 1 will be repaired at the fall pour.

OLD BUSINESS- The trustees will wait until fall to finish the updates to the Policies and Procedures Manual.

The trustees are waiting on the prosecutors office to finalize the sale of the remainder of the park property.

Grove City IT will be at the next regular meeting to discuss the security system.

NEW BUSINESS- Resolution 24-116; Re-Allocation $1256.86 from Interest Payments to Principal payments in Fire. Motion by Jahn. Second by Fannin. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.

Resolution 24-117; Re-Allocation $7400.00 from Machinery Equipment and Furniture to Other- Professional and Technical Services in General. Motion by Jahn. Second by Fannin. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.

Resolution 24-118; Jahn moved to put Zoning Inspector Travis Schulz on the township insurance at the at the same % employee contribution as the rest of the employee. Fannin seconded the motion. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.

Stacey Sark is finishing Angela Martins term as Scioto Twp. JEDD board secretary/treasurer, and the term ends 8/21/24. Resolution 24-119; Jahn moved to re-appoint Stacey Sark to another 4 year term on the Scioto Township JEDD board ending 8/21/2028. Fannin seconded the motion. Vote; Jahn-yes, Fannin-yes, Wolfe-yes. Motion Carries.

With no other business to come before the board Wolfe moved to adjourn. Fannin seconded the motion. Vote; All Yes. Meeting Adjourned.

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