Trustees & Zoning - Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 6:00 P.M. at the Scioto Township Service Center

Trustees & Zoning - Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 6:00 P.M. at the Scioto Township Service Center

Joint Meeting of the Trustees, Zoning Commission, and BZA on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 6:00 P.M. at the Scioto Township Service Center.

Members Present:  Trustee Chair Jahn, Fannin, and Wolfe and Zoning Commission Chair Weatherhead, Scott, Wasmus, Nicole, and Jacob and BZA members Chair Kulich, Swisher, Green, Lowry, Reidy, and Amanda.

Attorney Griggs and Tony Chamberlain from the Prosecutors Office were present to give legal advice and answer questions.

Zoning Inspector Schulz was present.

Jahn called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.

Jahn made a motion to forego the reading of the minutes.  Wolfe seconded.  Vote:  All Yes

The Zoning Commission and BZA all introduced themselves since there are a few new members.

Attorney Griggs offered Training Classes for the Zoning and BZA members.  It is up to the Chairs to get in touch with Griggs to set up times for these classes if they are interested.

Open Floor:

Roll Call for the Board Members.

Lowry wanted to discuss Solar Panels and Warehouses.  Small solar farms 50 megawatts and less have the say of the township and over this amount is up to the county.  Pickaway County does not allow large scale solar farms.  When there is a Power Sighting Board, each township involved is to have one member from the township.  Not necessarily a trustee, but a person can be appointed to this position. This board will listen to the town.  Original Legislation had trustees decide on any size.  Lowry mentioned about the solar fields being used far away.

Accessory Building Zoning Rules are used for Solar Panels.  The Zoning Commission needs to come up with wording for the rules and bring it to the Trustees for approval.

A discussion on Warehouses.  The township cannot supply water and sewage for this.  They would have to be annexed to town to receive this.  If they get annexed they can not be stopped from being built.  Wolfe said that the township firemen would need to take training for these structures.

There was a discussion on any data centers that would be built about how they get a tax abatement. Cory Wasmus said they need to work with Commercial Point.  Ralph will talk to the mayor.

Reidy said the Comprehensive Land Use Plan was discussed twenty years ago and it got turned down.

Ron Adams from 8930 Rush Road, Orient came to discuss a neighbors property.  There is not anything that can be done because there is no violations.  There can be no investigation.  Adams worries about his land value.

Griggs said that 5.01 acre ag lots are exempt to zoning.

The Boards should talk to Peggy Hall from the Department of Agriculture about Ag Preservation Zoning.

It was discussed to make Ag Zoning more than 10 acres and create an Estate District for 5-10 acres. Revise it so that 5.01 acre lots can be regulated.

Tony said to look and see what you could see in the future growth and make rules around that.

Griggs said that Holly from Crossroads would be a good person to talk to about Comprehensive Plans .It would be good to call her and make an appointment for her to come talk to the Boards for a discussion about Land Use Plans and then if they like what she has to say they can move forward with her.  Terry Brill gave his opinion on Land Use Plans and he is against them.  He voted no on them when he was a Trustee.

Green says that he wants to make sure to protect the owners rights.

Griggs said that a Comprehensive Land Use Plan can be changed.

Coded Topography is used in a Land Use Plan for guiding.  Residents should get involved and voice their opinions and Farmers Rights should not be limited.

Fanin said that there should be uniformity of lots.  Holly writes Zoning.

Tim Mcgillis is with the Planning Commission.

Flag Lots were discussed about how it is difficult for the farmers to farm around them.

The Trustees would like to have a joint meeting every four months, so the next meeting will be April 2, 2025 at 6 P.M.

Fanin motioned to adjourn the meeting and  Wolfe seconded.  Vote:  All Yes

Kulich motioned to adjourn for BZA and Green seconded. Vote:  All Yes

Weatherhead motioned to adjourn for Zoning Commission and Scott seconded.  Vote:  All Yes

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